Theo Schlossnagle

The Architecture of a Distributed Analytics and Storage Engine for Massive Time-Series Data 02-26-2015 @ 12:20 - 1:20

Theo Schlossnagle — Theo Schlossnagle is a Founder and CEO at Circonus where he leads a group of engineers solving the scalability problems that arise in monitoring at a global scale.

Theo founded OmniTI where he provided scalable solutions for highly trafficked sites and other clients in need of sound, scalable architectural engineering. He is the architect of the highly scalable Ecelerity mail transport agent. Theo is a participant in various open source communities including OpenSolaris, Linux, Apache, PostgreSQL, perl, and many others. He is a published author in the area of scalability and distributed systems as well as a veteran speaker in the open source conference circuit.

Theo founded several successful startups as engineering focused organizations including: OmniTI, Circonus, Message Systems and Fontdeck. In addition to entrepreneurial activities, Theo sits on the ACM Queue and practitioners boards.

The numerical analysis of time-series data isn't new. The scale of today's problems is. With millions of concurrent data streams, some of which run at 1MM samples per second, the challenge of storing the data and making it continuously available for analysis is a daunting challenge.

At Circonus, we designed such a solution. In this talk, I will talk about the approach and the technical details of how the system was constructed. Topics include: distributed systems, scheduling, storage, embedded languages.

Video (40:48)