Mary Rose Cook

Mary Livecodes a JavaScript Game from Scratch 02-26-2015 @ 4:55 - 5:55

Mary Rose Cook — Mary Rose Cook writes code, makes music, works at Hacker School and lives in New York City. She's made two games: Pistol Slut and Empty Black. She's made a micro framework for JavaScript games: Coquette. She's made a programming language for children: Isla. She's presented at JSConf, BerlinJS, Strange Loop, BrooklynJS, Front-Trends and EmpireJS.

When I made my first game, I was scared of writing graphics code and dealing with browser quirks and player input events. So, I used a game framework to handle that stuff for me. Later, I discovered that stuff is not so scary. I will live-code an action game from scratch without using any libraries. We will cover keyboard input, graphics, collision detection and sound.

Video (29:11)