Toby Sullivan

APIs with Scala and Play 02-27-2015 @ 2:30 - 3:30

Toby Sullivan — Toby Sullivan spends his days attempting to wrangle and make use of Hootsuite's unrelenting firehose of data. When he is not racing to keep up with the newest distributed computing technologies, he is architecting internal data products. Toby previously worked on Hootsuite's platform team aiding the migration from PHP to a Scala-based service oriented architecture. He is now a lead engineer with Hootsuite's Data Lab in Vancouver, Canada.

We build APIs constantly. Any truly scalable system is built from service upon service upon service. Near infinite scaling is the promise of service oriented architectures. Until recently, however, there has always existed varying amounts of friction in launching a new service/API for new functionality. Instead, the path of least resistance has been to tack new functionality into existing services. This threatens our ability to scale and is major technical debt.

Now the tables have flipped. With the introduction and maturity of the Play framework, it's easier to launch a new independent service than it is to try a wedge functionality into an existing one.

In this talk, the audience will witness the building of a new service, complete with JSON endpoints, caching, actors and asynchronous calls to a third party web service in under an hour.

Video (48:16)
